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Common Dog Care Mistakes 

January 15, 2025

Are you considering adopting a shelter dog? Quite a few of our canine patients were adopted from shelters. We love seeing dogs getting second chances! Of course, adopting Fido is a huge decision. Dogs are not low-maintenance pets: they need lots of care and activity. And while we’ve been friends with Fido for a very long time, there are still a lot of misconceptions about him and his care needs. A local Rockbridge, VA vet goes over some common dog care mistakes in this article.

Not Getting Your Dog Fixed

While there are some great breeders out there, it’s also important to remember that there are already far too many homeless dogs in the world. Having your own canine buddy spayed or neutered won’t only help prevent unwanted litters: it’s also good for behavioral reasons. You’ll find yourself with a calmer, less unruly pooch.

Not Making Sure Fido Is Getting Stimulation/Exercise

Man’s Best Friend is very curious and active, and he needs things to explore, investigate, and play with. Make sure to provide your furry friend with plenty of fun toys, and take time to play with him daily. Walks are also crucial: they provide stimulation and exercise, and are great for bonding.

Skipping Puppyproofing

Never underestimate Fido’s chewing predilection. Dogs just don’t know what is and isn’t safe for them. Make your home safe for your canine pal by removing or securing anything dangerous. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Improper/Incomplete Training

All dogs—even tiny ones—should know basic obedience commands, such as Sit, Stay, Heel, Come, and Lay Down. We also strongly recommend teaching Fido the Down and Leave It commands. Work on these one at a time, starting with the command to Sit. 

One of the biggest mistakes here is inconsistency. Use the same words or phrases each time.

Not Keeping Your Dog Secure

Fido should be kept leashed or in fenced-in areas at all times. Although pups that are extremely well-trained may be safely allowed off-leash at certain parks, we always advise erring on the side of caution. Don’t let your pooch run around off-leash!

Using Negative Reinforcement

You’ve heard the saying about how you catch more flies with honey than sugar? That’s also true for dogs. When working on behavioral issues, always focus on rewarding good behavior.

Do you have questions about your furry friend’s health or care? Contact us, your Rockbridge, VA pet hospital, today!

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