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Keeping Your Feline Pal Content

September 15, 2024

September might be one of Fluffy’s favorite months: it’s officially Happy Cat Month! The CATalyst Council started this purrfect celebrating occasion with the intention of helping people realize what our feline friends truly need to be happy. Continue reading for tips from a local Lexington, VA veterinarian on how to get Fluffy’s motor running.

How Do I Keep My Kitty Content?

If we asked Fluffy this question directly, you might expect her to respond with a laundry list of demands. You may expect to discover endless catnip, catwalks in every room, loads of cat towers and kitty furniture, and, of course, plenty of toys, snacks, and boxes on that list, of course. Entertainment, excitement, and comfort are essential for your kitty’s health and well-being, but they are not the only things you must provide.

Basic Kitty Care Tips

Before we get into indulging your feline companion, let’s go over the fundamentals of good cat care. Our feline friends are fairly easy to care for, but they do need good TLC.

Good Nutrition: This should come as no surprise: a delicious dinner can make everyone happy. A good diet is necessary not just for temporarily appeasing your feline master, but also for your cat’s health and well-being. Consult your veterinarian for precise suggestions.

Keep The Litterbox Clean: Keeping Fluffy’s powder room clean is simple, but it is essential for more than simply sanitary reasons. Cats are extremely clean, and they dislike unclean restrooms. Plus, dirty litterboxes are stinky and unsightly, and can harbor dangerous germs.

Veterinary care: To be fair, your kitty friend may not be delighted about visiting the clinic. The automobile ride over to the clinic actually accounts for a significant portion of this. Kitties, in general, really, really dislike being in moving cars! Fluffy also tends to be annoyed about anything that changes or that disrupts her typical schedule of naps, sunning, and planning. However, regardless of your furry friend’s feelings on the subject, she requires proper veterinary care to thrive.

As to Fluffy’s veterinary care needs, they will change with time. If you get a kitten, you will most likely need to bring it in a few times throughout its first year. Kittens require initial examinations and vaccinations, as well as spay/neuter surgery and parasite management. Microchipping should also be included in the agenda.

Adult cats may only need to come in once a year for wellness exams, but you should keep an eye out for indications of illness and bring Fluffy in as soon as you detect anything.

Seniors are more vulnerable to disease and injury and would benefit from more regular visits. Fluffy may have to come in biannually rather than annually.

If you observe any signs of disease in your cat, bring him in. These consist of the following:

  • Anorexia
  • Bad Breath
  • Shortness Of Breath
  • Weight Gain
  • Vomiting
  • Poor Grooming (Cats)
  • Hair Loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Hiding
  • Lethargy
  • Discharge 
  • Avoiding The Litter Box
  • Increased Vocalization
  • Injuries Or Limping
  • Increased Thirst
  • Weight Changes
  • Swelling
  • Pupil Constriction Or Dilation
  • Uncharacteristic Mood/Behavior
  • Bleeding
  • Different Eating Habits
  • Seizure

Keep in mind that cats often try to disguise symptoms of disease. You may not notice anything until your feline companion is very ill. If you notice anything wrong with your pet, you should take her to the veterinarian right away.

How Can I Keep My Indoor Cat Content?

We’ve covered the fundamentals of cat care; now let’s look at what gets your kitty’s motor running. Keeping Fluffy fed and healthy is critical, but those things will not necessarily make her happy in and of themselves. Kitties are highly emotional, and they require to feel loved, adored, and possibly a little (or a lot) spoiled.

Let’s list a few things that make Fluffy happy.


Your cat should also have some toys she can play with on her own. Offer a variety of options and discover what she prefers. Every kitty is different, so try a few things. If you have multiple furballs, you may find that they have different preferences.

Playthings are useful for a variety of reasons. The most crucial one is just enjoyment. While Fluffy spends a ludicrous amount of time resting, she has yet to make snoozing 24 hours a day a habit. Most cats sleep between 14 and 16 hours a day, but some can sleep up to 20. That implies your pet will have a minimum of four hours to fill. Eating and grooming herself will occupy some of her remaining time, but not all of it. Playing provides your pet with something to keep her entertained. That’s quite crucial! Boredom is as detrimental to pets as it is to humans.


Kitties are built to be wild hunters, therefore they have strong innate desires to master their claws and teeth. Allow your cat to express her inner tiger every now and again by playing with her interactively. This will not only be a lot of fun for Fluffy, but it may also be very fascinating for you. Cats are hilarious to watch when they are playing. This is also great for keeping Fluffy fit. Your kitty companion will also need physical activity to maintain good health. Your pet may be a furry, meowing bundle of energy as a baby, but she will gradually lose steam as she ages. Even a few minutes of pouncing and jumping will keep your cat fit and healthy!

Kitty Comforts

Cats are easy to care for, but they are much happier when they have items developed specifically for them. This includes things like boxes, cat furniture, soft beds, and window seats. Basically, the more comfortable places your furball can look cute in or on, the better!


Last but not least, make your kitty friend feel appreciated. This may vary from kitty to kitty. Some cats are more reserved, yet they will snuggle with you at night and give you a hard time if you arrive home late. Others are little cuddle bugs that crave attention all the time.

You don’t want to impose attention on Fluffy, but she deserves it. Take your time getting to know her and spend quality time with her every day. That doesn’t have to take time away from your schedule; simply allow your cat to snuggle up on your lap while you watch TV or chat with her while doing laundry.

How Do I Know If My Cat Is Happy?

Fluffy is unable to tell you how she is feeling, yet her behavior and appearance reveal plenty. A high score from your veterinarian is an excellent gauge, and really should be your main measuring stick here. You can also pick up quite a bit just by how your furball acts. Happy cats are usually extremely relaxed, although they can also be a little mischievous. Ask your Lexington, VA veterinarian for more information. 

Schedule an Appointment at Your Lexington, VA Pet Clinic

Do you have any queries on how to keep your cat healthy and happy? Is your feline pal due for an exam, vaccinations, or parasite control products? You are welcome to contact us at any time. As your neighborhood Lexington, VA pet hospital, we’re here to help!

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