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Keeping Your Canine Pal Safe In Summer

May 15, 2024

Many of our furry friends love this time of year! After all, Fido’s favorite hobbies, including hiking, camping, playing, and swimming, are all best enjoyed during the summer months. However, summer dog care isn’t all about tossing Frisbees and hitting the park. Those high temperatures can pose a significant risk to your beloved pet. You’ll need to take some precautions to ensure the safety and comfort of your furry friend during hot weather. A local Lexington, VA vet offers some tips on this below.

How Can I Tell If Fido Is Overheated?

It is crucial to be aware of the potential dangers of overheating for dogs. Fido cannot sweat to regulate his body temperature except by perspiring through his paw pads. Panting can be beneficial, but its effects as far as cooling dogs off are limited.

It is normal for dogs to pant slightly on hot days, or after a fun game of Fetch. However, if Fido is panting excessively, it could indicate that he is overheated.

Here are some other signs to be aware of:

  • Panting
  • Vomiting
  • Drooling
  • Bright red tongue
  • Collapse
  • Erratic/Elevated pulse
  • Lethargy
  • Bloody Diarrhea
  • Disorientation
  • Elevated temperature
  • Seizures
  • Confusion
  • Dark red gums
  • Dehydration
  • Weakness
  • Excessive thirst
  • Glazed eyes
  • Lack of coordination
  • Lack of urine
  • Muscle tremors
  • Not walking in a straight line

If you observe any of these signs, it is crucial to cool down your pet promptly and get in touch with your veterinarian. Offer Fido a refreshing drink of lukewarm water. Another effective method is to spritz him with water or gently run a cool, wet cloth over him. Call your vet or urgent pet care center as you are doing this. Your Lexington, VA veterinarian will provide you with specific instructions.

What Temperature Is Considered Too High For A Dog To Be Outside In?

Generally, it’s important to exercise caution when the temperature exceeds 80 degrees. However, for certain dogs, temperatures above 75 can be hazardous. Take Huskies, for example. Their thick fur is perfect for a cold, snowy environment, but it can be quite uncomfortable during the summer.

If the temperature exceeds 90 degrees, it is crucial to be extremely attentive. Anything above 100 poses a significant risk.

How Do I Keep Fido Cool In Summer?

Since Fido cannot adjust the air conditioner or position a fan towards himself, it is critical to take a few precautions to safeguard his safety.

Water is of utmost importance here; it is, after all, a fundamental necessity in any weather. Make sure that Fido always has access to fresh water. If you have a large home or multiple dogs, it might be a good idea to consider adding more water stations. Feel free to add a couple of ice cubes to your pet’s bowl when it’s scorching hot. Remember to always bring water with you when you take your furry pal out and about. Consider getting a doggy water bottle with a dispenser for your pup to drink from. Having this in your car, along with some bottled water, can be quite useful.

It’s also important to ensure that your furry friend has access to rooms with proper climate control. Ensure that your pet has access to a shaded area if they have a yard to frolic in and chase squirrels.

Here are some other suggestions:

  • Adjust Fido’s daily routine for walks and playtime. Take him out during the cooler parts of the day, in the mornings and evenings.
  • Consider getting your pup a raised bed. These beds stay cooler than regular ones because they allow air to flow beneath them. Another option is to position a fan towards or above the bed. Make sure that your dog cannot accidentally tip it over and harm himself.
  • Store a fresh towel in the freezer and place it in your pet’s bed. 
  • Hang a wet bandana around your pup’s neck. Fido will feel quite refreshed as the water evaporates and cools him down. Also, your furry companion will look absolutely charming.
  • If you have a yard, consider getting a kiddie pool for your furry friend to enjoy. Fido might also have a great time frolicking in the water from a hose or doggy sprinkler. You can even get your furry friend a fountain that splashes water into the air when they step on it.
  • Grooming is also crucial. Certain dogs may prefer a stylish summer haircut for added comfort. Certainly, there are certain puppies whose fur should never be trimmed. If Fido has a double coat, getting a haircut could potentially damage his fur. Ask your vet for more information. 
  • Cooling mats or pads can also be beneficial. These are perfect for puppies who have a hard time coping with hot weather. Before making a purchase, do thorough research on the various available products.
  • Always be mindful of paw burns. Apply paw balm or wax to protect your furry friend’s paws, and make sure to keep him off scorching-hot surfaces. If the ground is too hot for you to walk on without shoes, it’s also too hot for your furry friend!
  • Never leave your beloved pet alone in a vehicle. Temperatures inside parked cars can quickly reach dangerous levels. We can’t overstate the importance of this one!

Should I Take Fido Swimming?

Swimming can be a fantastic choice… or it can be quite risky. It all comes down to the dog in the end. Many of our furry friends thoroughly enjoy frolicking and having a great time in the water. Labs and Golden Retrievers, for instance, are known for their exceptional swimming abilities. They also tend to exude pure joy when they have the opportunity to take a dip, which is always adorable. Swimming is not recommended for brachycephalic dogs like pugs: they can be in serious danger even in shallow water due to their short airways. If you have any doubts about whether Fido is suited for swimming, ask your Lexington, VA veterinarian.

Choosing the right swimming spot is crucial. Swim holes that are welcoming to dogs typically feature gentle slopes, ensuring a safer experience for your furry friend. Avoid areas with steep drops, strong currents, or excessive wakes, as well as any spots where snakes or gators may be lurking.

What Are Some Good Snacks To Give Fido During Hot Weather?

We all enjoy indulging in a refreshing treat during those scorching summer days. Fido also loves indulging in frozen delights! This is an adorable way to get that little tail wagging.

Broth Cubes: freeze sodium-free broth by pouring it into an ice cube tray. Take it to the next level by incorporating ingredients such as shredded meat, bacon bits, shredded cheese, peas, canned chicken or tuna, or a variety of safe fruits and veggies.

Canine Ice Cream: Many pet stores carry a variety of ice cream options specially made for our furry friends. Even Ben and Jerry’s has one! Why not give it a shot and create your own? There is a wide array of recipes available on the internet. Stick with ingredients that are known to be safe.

Pupsicles: This is a simple recipe that your furry friend is sure to enjoy! You’ll want to get some paper cups, like Dixie cups. Arrange them on a tray, then carefully add water or sodium-free broth. Place them in the freezer until they firm up slightly, then insert a chew stick into the center of each one. Allow them to freeze completely.

Contact Your Lexington, VA Veterinary Clinic

Is your pup in need of an examination? Do you need any assistance regarding your dog’s health or care? Get in touch with us, your trusted Lexington, VA pet hospital, today!

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